파이썬 가상환경 설정하기

Joonas' Note

파이썬 가상환경 설정하기 본문


파이썬 가상환경 설정하기

2018. 10. 15. 22:14 joonas 읽는데 1분

    First install pip for Python2. Download the get-pip.py file from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    $ cd <download location>
    $ sudo -H python ./get-pip.py
    Installing pip also installs Python3
    To run Python3
    $ python3
    Install pip3 by just executing the same file as in the step above, but this time using Python3
    $ sudo -H python3 ./get-pip.py
    To install virtualenv via pip
    $ sudo -H pip3 install virtualenv
    {If you want to use virtualenv as is, read below, else skip to the next pair of braces}
    Note that virtualenv installs to the python3 directory. For me it's:
    $ /usr/local/share/python3/virtualenv
    Create a virtualenvs directory to store all virtual environments
    $ mkdir somewhere/virtualenvs
    Make a new virtual environment with no packages
    $ virtualenv somewhere/virtualenvs/<project-name> --no-site-packages
    To use the virtual environment
    $ cd somewhere/virtualenvs/<project-name>/bin
    $ source activate
    You are now using the virtual environment for <project-name>. To stop:
    $ deactivate
    {Continue installation}
    To install virtualenvwrapper
    $ sudo -H pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
    Use the following command to find the location of Python3 on your system
    $ which python3
    Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc (or your own shell's initialisation file)
    > VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON='<Python3 location>'
    > source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
    > WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
    Run the following commands
    $ mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
    $ source ~/.bashrc
    All the virtual environments created using virtualenvwrapper will now be stored in ./virtualenvs
    To create new Python3 virtual environment
    $ mkvirtualenv <project-name>
    To create new Python2 virtual environment
    $ mkvirtualenv --python=python2 <project name>
    The virtualenv will automatically activate after creation
    Install packages local to the python3 virtualenv (and not global to the system) using
    $ pip3 install <package-name>
    Install packages local to the python2 virtualenv (and not global to the system) using
    $ pip install <package-name>
    To exit the virtualenv
    $ deactivate
    To get back into the virtualenv
    $ workon <project-name>

